Welcome to Walking With Swager!
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Working together to build hope in the community.

About us
Breaking Barriers To Build Strong Communities... Now!
Mission Statement:
Igniting purpose in people to unite the societal divide within communities. Breaking barriers to build strong communities… now!
Vision Statement:
Communities united in purpose across all societal sectors: Government, Business, NGO, and Church.

Community Class Series
Classes offered around the community from Exercise to Storm Preparedness. Get info on the full class schedule here.

Non-Profit Co-OP
We offer assistance to non-profits, including office space and development, for free! Just give us a call.

Partnering with non-profits, churches, businesses, and government agencies to meet needs as they arise.
Volunteer With Us!
Do you want to serve? Do you need Hope Scholarship community service hours? Through programs and service opportunities engaging volunteers, you can do your part to bring true community to your city.

We coordinate volunteer response for disasters.
Fall Classes Coming Soon!

These free classes offer enrichment opportunities for individuals looking to impact their community. Classes include Life Plan Workshops, Resume Prep, Job Skills for Teens, Storm Preparedness, and Volunteer Training. Schedule coming soon.
Chief Ken Reeves, GFD
Volunteer With Us Today!
March 7, 2024

Excited to be serving our partners at SaveOne expand their offices. Growth is good. We are excited for the future impact this expansion will bring to their mission. This is a great organization worthy of your support!